Thursday, November 19, 2009

Poster Fail

Taken by a UWG Fail user at the Z-6.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Feel the Power!

User submitted photo taken in  the TLC's women's bathroom.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Contract Fail

If you live in a dorm and want to check your contractual obligations online, according to UWG's Reslife page they can be viewed here. According to this page you are apparently contracted to nothing, meaning that if you're trying to get out of your dorm lease early, this may be your golden ticket.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fetal Fail

Click image to enlarge.
"A Campus Center room reservation for the dance team Phatal Atraktion was unfortunately misspelled in the creepiest way."
-UWG Fail User

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Driving Fail

Submitted by UWG Fail user.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Black People Win

Here at UWG Fail, we spend a lot of time citing the school's failures. So much time in fact, that we occasionally have to include a win to remind us that some good things actually do happen on our campus.
To see an entire race come together to sponsor an event in our own backyard is definitely a win.
Just as a warning though, if you're a commuter you'd better get to campus pretty early on November 10th, because if everyone involved in this shows up, parking's going to be more a of a bitch than usual.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Parking Fail

What should be a win quickly turns to failure, as UWG wastes our student fees on a hilariously misspelled sign for the new commuter lot last year.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Teacher Fail

Click image to enlarge.

"I took Spanish 1002 over the summer and all semester my teacher promised my class a study guide for the final as well as offered to give us a final review session on reading day. The week of the final, he sent this e-mail to my class because somebody had complained about him to the department head. Thanks to his unprofessional attitude and constant disrespect towards his students (which the complaint was about), I am now having to retake the same class. Thanks UWG for raising my tuition every semester and still not being able to provide competent teachers."
-UWG Fail User

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rape Fail

"My boyfriend and I were walking out of Arbor View as he showed me a
sign and told me how ridiculous it was that people would remember the
9/11 crisis by rapping about it. Being the grammar and spelling nazi
that I am, I looked a little closer and proceeded to burst into serious
laughter. In the Campus Center Ballroom at 6:00 on September 24th,
there would be "Performances by the most Talented...raping." Yes, I
believe I'd remember the number 911 in case of Talented (with a capital
T) rape, too. Spelling is important, students of UWG."
-UWG Fail User

Monday, November 2, 2009

Internet Speed Fail

The internet speed in Tyus Hall at UWG

The internet speed in Slovakia, a developing former Eastern Bloc Country whose infrastructure was ravaged by both the Nazis and Communists during the 20th century.Fail.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Football Fail

Normally the Wolves losing is such an obvious Fail that we wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. However, this user submitted pic and bad ass crowd member say it too well to pass up as Valdosta breaks the Wolves whopping one game winning streak (which was their first win after an epic twenty-one game fail massacre).
I know tradition is important at UWG, so thanks Wolves for not letting us down.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Java City Fail

"I was running late for an exam today and figured that a delicious Java City Coffee could make my morning go better. As I briskly walked across campus, sipping my $2 beverage I noticed it was dripping from the bottom and onto my pants. I immediately shrugged it off and firmly re-tightened the lid to prevent further leakage and first and second degree burns.
Upon arrival, I sat the drink on a table and noticed my hands where covered in coffee. Naturally, like any caffeine addict, I carefully licked every drop from my hands and then looked down only to discover the coffee steadily pooling on the table.
I asked my teacher if I could be excused to return it, but he thought the exam was far more important for some reason and made me throw the rest away because I was making a mess.
Thank you Java city, for making my cup half empty this morning.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vending Machine Fail

My UWG Fail

"Due to technical difficulties the myUWG Portal was not upgraded over fall break. We are sorry for the inconvenience and please report any problems the the[sic] service desk."

My UWG was down all fall break so that ITS could update its five year old server. When the old server was put back online this is the only explanation offered.

Monday, October 26, 2009